Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Can I speak to Little Miss Muffet in Accounts Receivable?

Alice posted this link previously to her FB page, but to any who missed it at the time, this one had me ROFL as they say: Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing.

The part where he asks her if she is sure this is the same drawing just slays me.

[Blogger meta-note: Maybe this post seems a bit like filler (since it was previously linked to as I note above), but I am on a 1 -post-a-day pace for February, and so on the final kick down the homestretch, if I can't think of anything smart to say, you will just have to live with rehashed arachnid comedy.]

1 comment:

Alice said...

I love this but so loathe "ROFL" that I had to pipe up. It reminds me of the verb "ralph," which is no laughing matter.