Monday, December 8, 2008

Projectile Vomit: Always funny if you are upstream

For those not familiar with the site Overheard in New York, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It is a collection of things that people overhear on subways, street corners, etc. in the NYC.

Now, there are many times when I am not at all certain that all postings therein are, in fact, actually overheard. But, it doesn't decrease the humorous value from my POV, as below:

We Expected Nothing Less from the Birthplace of the Long Island Iced Tea
Conductor: Crime does not pay. I repeat, crime does not pay. There will be no crime on this train. Littering is a crime. Throwing up on the train is a crime. If you feel the need to relieve yourself, there is one place you can throw up on the train...on yourself. Or if you have a girlfriend, you can have her join in on the situation and you can throw up on her. I'm sure that punishment would be far worse. (at the next stop) I'd like to thank the gentleman in the second car. That was the most amazing display of projectile vomit outside the car doors that I have ever seen! A new record!


Overheard by: Rob Mo
via Overheard in New York, Dec 7, 2008

1 comment:

Alice said...

My favorite ever:

Child: "Mom, how come nobody looks at each other on the subway?

Mom: "'Cause they ugly."