Saturday, November 22, 2008

Video: Princeton economists discuss crisis on Wall Street

From UChannel.

Princeton economists review recent events on Wall Street and assess the implications for the economy and public policy.

Hyun Shin, Professor of Economics;
Markus Brunnermeier, Professor of Economics;
Harrison Hong, Professor in Finance;
Paul Krugman, professor of economics and international affairs;
Alan Blinder, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs

Friday, November 21, 2008

Video: MIT Panel discusses financial crisis

Recorded on Oct 9, 2008..

A panel of five MIT faculty experts in economics and business analyzed the ongoing financial crisis in the U.S. and world markets.

The panelists focused on different aspects of the history, the present unfolding, and the likely future of the financial mess, and emphasized that the situation is far more complex -- and the long-term outcome more uncertain -- than is typically portrayed.

Ricardo Caballero, Professor of Economics and International Finance;
William Wheaton, professor of economics and urban studies;
Andrew Lo, Professor of Finance MIT Sloan School of Management;
Bengt Holmstrom, Professor of Economics;
James Poterba, the Mitsui Professor of Economics.